Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cassie's Interview

I interviewed my brother, Chris, about the topic of welfare drug testing. He is 28-years-old, works full time as an electrical engineer, and has a 5-month-old son. I interviewed him because he has a different perspective on the topic than I do. I did not tell him what my view was until after the interview.

Problem: Should welfare recipients get drug tested?

Is this a problem you think is important?  Why/ Why not?
I think this is an important topic because people abuse the system. They come here illegally, have as many kids as possible, somehow get work, and then collect from the government. I work a full time job plus some, and I don't get any free handouts from the government.  It's ridiculous.

Do you think others in our community this is an important problem? why/ why not?
I know other people in the community think it’s a problem. When I talk to my friends and family about it, they get just as upset as I do. If we have to get drug tested for a job, then why don't other people have to get drug tested for welfare?

What policy, if any, does government now have to deal with this problem?
As of right now, there is no policy regarding drug testing and welfare but there should be. It makes me angry when I see people dressed up in designer clothes and bags, and then they get mad because there food stamp card doesn't work.

What are advantages of drug testing welfare recipients?
The government can catch whoever is abusing the system. I think they would be surprised to see how many people are.

What are disadvantages of drug testing welfare recipients?
It would cost the government money, putting us more in debt. We don’t need that. But, if it puts more people off of welfare, it would be well worth it.

So, who should we drug test then?
Everyone on welfare.

Wouldn't that cost the government a lot of money?
Yeah, but it will be well worth it.

Do you have any other comments about this topic?
I firmly believe that people on welfare should be drug tested. I work my butt off during the week to try to make ends meet, and to think that there are people out there getting free handouts is ridiculous. Something has to be done soon, or these people will find other ways to scam the system.

Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?
The internet, but I’m sure they will all be pro drug testing.


I was amazed at my brother’s reaction to my questions during the interview. I did not know how strongly he felt about drug testing welfare recipients. It also shocked me that he did not have any credible resources to back his answers up. He did not give me any statistics or facts, or know of anything happening in any other states about the regulations on drug testing. My brother’s interview made me realize that a lot of people think this way because they work so hard and get slammed for taxes, while others don’t work and get free assistance. I believe that drug testing should only be used for welfare recipients who get into trouble with the law. For example, if DSS is called for the children or they get in trouble with the cops for something else. Overall, I’m glad I did this interview because it made me realize the bias we have in society. 

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