Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Heather is Taking Action!

I took action against drug testing welfare recipients. I used Jenna's link to take action and I encourage anyone else to do the same. Surprisingly, I get very heated about this topic now. It surprises me that in America in 2013, people are able to single out a group of people with no statistical evidence or logical bearings and get laws passed against them. In our interviews, the common belief is that welfare recipients are an illegal immigrant, drug abusing, system abusing group of people. When statistically in Massachusetts, the majority of people on welfare are white Americans. Also, statistically speaking, people on welfare are actually less likely to abuse drugs. I would also like to mention that statistics show that the amount of fraud that happens in welfare is extremely low.  So, let’s have this group of people struggling to make ends meet and living off of very little mind you, pay for their own drug test. Have these people who have to be embarrassed that they are even on welfare be humiliated even more because of prejudice views about  them. They are treated as second class citizens without human rights.

The argument people have is that we will save money by drug testing welfare recipients because less people will then receive welfare and the country will save money. Well that will not be the case and here is why: When Florida enacted the mandatory drug testing they ended up spending more money. Here is a quote from an article by Katherine Rausch.

“According to data released by Florida, who enacted a drug-testing law, there was no change in the number of recipients and it ended up being expensive. In four months, 2.6 percent or 108 out of 4,086 applicants failed the drug tests and 40 people cancelled. The state ended up paying $118,140 for reimbursements to anyone who passed the test, which cost about $30 each. That amount was more than the cost of benefits would have been to the people who failed the test.”

There is evidence that that drug testing is a waste of money yet they continue to pass laws in other states mandating this drug test.

I have also heard, through many arguments for drug testing the welfare, that those on welfare abuse the system. Through my research I have found no such evidence. In fact, I have found that in the research done, which is few, abuse in the system was also a small percentage.

Many are against welfare but it is a stepping stone for many who fall on hard times. This is America and the last time I checked we are supposed to have equal opportunity. What is amazing about this country is that you can start off living in poverty but become successful when you are an adult. I feel that, as an American and for those that work hard to be our best, we have to provide equal opportunity to everyone. The purpose of welfare is to help those falling on hard times. Some people make bad choices to get themselves there but these people have children. As a community it is our job to make sure all children have equal opportunity. So, I ask you to keep in mind what welfare is for. It is a system to help those who have fallen on hard times. People on welfare are, by no means, living a lavish life. It is not appealing to be on. While few may take advantage of the system, it is not the norm. Unfortunately, even those who may abuse the system have children. Those children need to be taken care of and should not be punished because their parents can’t get their act together.

I think that a solution to help those on welfare should be providing educational and job opportunities. Giving them a foundation to build a life on will not only ensure they will no longer need welfare, but will make it less likely that they will need it again. So instead of wasting money on drug testing lets provide a more permanent solution to help those who have fallen on hard times.  

Monday, March 25, 2013

Cassie is taking action!

I took action by signing a petition that is against drug testing for welfare recipients. The website that I found this petition on is very reliable, and also provides a lot of statistics about why drug testing welfare recipients is not cost effective. I liked this website because a lot of people don’t know why drug testing is not effective. I know that a lot of people don’t think about the cost of drug testing, which is why they are pro-drug testing.  I felt really good signing up for this petition because I felt like I was actually making small impact on the topic. The government doesn't know how people feel about a certain issue unless they make a big deal and act on their feelings.
Taking this type of action definitely connected me with my democratic values. Before doing research on this topic, I was very pro-drug testing. Now that I have conducted a lot of research about the statistics and other information about drug testing, my views drastically changed. I know that the idea seems to be good, but is not practical at all. By signing up for this petition, I felt personally connected to this cause and want others to see the topic for its facts and not bias opinions about people on welfare.
I believe teaching social justice issues in the classroom are very important. Students need to know what is going on in the world, especially when it could immediately affect them or sometime in the future. When teaching current events, I believe students should look at both sides of the argument so they can make an informed judgment based on facts and evidence, rather than bias opinions they obtained from family members etc. Learning about current events also makes social studies interesting and fun to both learn and teach. Students should be encouraged to bring in articles that pertain to them or spark an interest. 
I believe this quote is critical to teaching current events in social studies: “Concerns about the common good and the rights of the individual, no matter how humble in social standing, transcends politics and holds a definitive place in the realms of morality, ethics and federal law, and therefore in the world of teaching social studies.” It states that every individual has a place in society, and deserves to learn or be taught social studies. Social studies is history.  Every human being should know about history – either past, present, or future. If people are not taught history, they are missing out on what is going on in the world around them.
Overall, I really enjoyed doing this current event project. I learned a lot about drug testing and welfare, and my views on the topic has changed as a result of conducting research. At the beginning of this project, I chose drug testing and welfare because I was 100% for it. I believed that everyone should be drug tested and kicked off welfare if they failed the test. After looking up facts and articles about drug testing and welfare, my views completely changed. I believe that people shouldn't have to get drug tested for welfare, unless if there is high suspicion that they are on drugs. Learning this information made me want to share it with everyone that I know – especially those totally for drug testing! I believe using current events is important because it opens people’s eyes to important events and issues that are being dealt with in the government today.

Here is the petition that I signed: Petition to stop drug testing welfare recipients

Jenna is Taking Action!

The website that I found for taking action against drug testing welfare recipients was a website that has a petition that can be signed if you are against the drug testing of welfare recipients. This is a great site because it says exactly who the petitions is for, which it the United States Congress, and what the goal of the petition is as well. It also explains some information that backs up exactly why they want to ban drug testing on welfare recipients.

I signed the petition against drug testing welfare recipients because I agree that it is a total waste of tax payers money. The research that I have done on this topic shows that it is more costly to administer drug tests. It has been found that there is a very small percentage of recipients that failed drug tests, which meant that hundreds of thousands of dollars was wasted on drug tests. People who are on welfare have been given the bad reputation of being on drugs from the small amount of people who have been on drugs while receiving welfare benefits. We cannot punish everyone for a small amount of people's bad decisions. I do not have any special democratic values, I just have my opinion of what I think is right or wrong.  

When it comes to teaching social justice in the classroom, I think that it should be a main part of social studies. We as educators have the responsibility of preparing our students to move onto the real world in the future. Teaching about current events will give them that much more to be prepared on. Knowing about the world around you makes you more able to make decisions on voting and in life in general. I learned about current events in elementary school and I think it prepared me that much more. It made it possible for me to see different views of people and how to create my own opinions. Knowing about the world around us makes us more well rounded individuals.

I think current event project was a great learning experience. My views from the beginning changed drastically, which really surprised me. That showed me how important it is to show students information on current event topics for them to be able to create their own opinions. The more information I learned on the topic, the stronger I felt against my original opinions. It just made me want to teach current events that much more!

Link to petition: Petition Against Drug Testing Welfare Recipients

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Jenna's Interview

For my interview, I interviewed my boyfriend Matt. He is 21 years old and owns his own auto repair shop and towing company. We often have very different views on different social issues so I thought he would be a good comparison to my own views. I did not tell him any of my views until after I interviewed him so that there was influence on his thoughts.

Would you consider this to be a social issue that is important to the United States?
 Yes, it is important to the United States because why are we giving money to people and food stamps for them to use them to trade and barter for drugs and alcohol.

Do you know what any current laws are on drug testing welfare recipients?
No I do not.

How would you like the law on drug testing welfare recipients be in Massachusetts?
I would like the law to be drug tested twice a week and random at that so they can not beat the system, they need to show they are using them for food and something they need to live, not use them for drugs.

Do you think that the laws should be decided by each state or as the country as a whole?
For the country as a whole

Do you think that there are other people who you know that also think that this is a problem?

Where would you go to get more information on this issue?
the internet

As I did the interview with Matt, I was not very surprised by many of his responses because I felt this way before I did my research as well. Our views differ greatly now because I know how expensive it is to drug test welfare recipients and so many do not even test positively. Yes, I have seen many people who use the system in Lynn, where I live, but after all the research, I know that the majority of people do not use the system.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cassie's Interview

I interviewed my brother, Chris, about the topic of welfare drug testing. He is 28-years-old, works full time as an electrical engineer, and has a 5-month-old son. I interviewed him because he has a different perspective on the topic than I do. I did not tell him what my view was until after the interview.

Problem: Should welfare recipients get drug tested?

Is this a problem you think is important?  Why/ Why not?
I think this is an important topic because people abuse the system. They come here illegally, have as many kids as possible, somehow get work, and then collect from the government. I work a full time job plus some, and I don't get any free handouts from the government.  It's ridiculous.

Do you think others in our community this is an important problem? why/ why not?
I know other people in the community think it’s a problem. When I talk to my friends and family about it, they get just as upset as I do. If we have to get drug tested for a job, then why don't other people have to get drug tested for welfare?

What policy, if any, does government now have to deal with this problem?
As of right now, there is no policy regarding drug testing and welfare but there should be. It makes me angry when I see people dressed up in designer clothes and bags, and then they get mad because there food stamp card doesn't work.

What are advantages of drug testing welfare recipients?
The government can catch whoever is abusing the system. I think they would be surprised to see how many people are.

What are disadvantages of drug testing welfare recipients?
It would cost the government money, putting us more in debt. We don’t need that. But, if it puts more people off of welfare, it would be well worth it.

So, who should we drug test then?
Everyone on welfare.

Wouldn't that cost the government a lot of money?
Yeah, but it will be well worth it.

Do you have any other comments about this topic?
I firmly believe that people on welfare should be drug tested. I work my butt off during the week to try to make ends meet, and to think that there are people out there getting free handouts is ridiculous. Something has to be done soon, or these people will find other ways to scam the system.

Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?
The internet, but I’m sure they will all be pro drug testing.


I was amazed at my brother’s reaction to my questions during the interview. I did not know how strongly he felt about drug testing welfare recipients. It also shocked me that he did not have any credible resources to back his answers up. He did not give me any statistics or facts, or know of anything happening in any other states about the regulations on drug testing. My brother’s interview made me realize that a lot of people think this way because they work so hard and get slammed for taxes, while others don’t work and get free assistance. I believe that drug testing should only be used for welfare recipients who get into trouble with the law. For example, if DSS is called for the children or they get in trouble with the cops for something else. Overall, I’m glad I did this interview because it made me realize the bias we have in society. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Billy, a project manager for a large company, I told him I was doing a blog on drug testing welfare recipients. I picked him because his view was different than mine. I didn’t tell him my view however, until after.

Is drug testing welfare recipients a problem you think is important? Why/ Why not?

Yes, because our tax dollars pay for people to receive welfare, if they are abusing drugs they should not receive welfare.

Do you think others in our community think this is an important problem? why/ why not?

Well, with the way the economy is we need to save money where ever we can.

Do you think it is a violation of human rights to drug test welfare recipients?

No, so many people abuse the system. We should drug test them because our tax dollars should not pay for people to abuse drugs.

Do you know of any evidence that people who are on welfare abuse drugs?

Well I know it is an issue that many are talking about. On the articles I’ve read they say that those on welfare abuse drugs.


Well no, not everyone, but many.

What if there was no evidence that people who are on welfare abuse drugs, should they be drug tested then? I guess if there was no evidence that they were more likely to abuse drugs, maybe not. I know that I don’t want to help those who don’t help themselves. My tax dollars shouldn’t have to go to people who don’t want to better their lives.

How do you pick and choose who you help?

I don’t know. Good question

What do you think would be the advantage to drug testing welfare recipients?

It will save the tax payers money and prevent people from abusing the system

What would a disadvantage be?

Well if there aren’t many people abusing drugs than that could be a waste of money

If there wasn’t proof that people on welfare abused drugs should they still pass laws to drug test them?

I think it’s about saving money. If there is no proof and it might cost more money to drug test them then they shouldn’t do it.

Do you think it’s about human rights?

No, I think if you get help from tax payers’ money than you should be checked to make sure you aren’t abusing the system.
I found it interesting that, this man who is always up to date on current events, didn't know where his information came from. He felt that the facts were welfare recipients are more likely to abuse drugs and therefore should be drug tested.  He could not tell me specifically how he knew that except that he read about it. After I interviewed him I told what I found out and he seemed very surprised. I think that many people are misinformed about this issue.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Is Drug Testing Welfare Recipients a Violation of Human Rights?

The statistics state that the most amount of money you can make and still receive welfare, as in cash monthly, is 1,000. Anything more than that and you do not qualify. These statistics also show that whites are more likely to be on welfare, more likely than any other population of people. I think for many, this statistic may come as a surprise. The reason is people have a perception that those on welfare are more likely to be of ethnic origin and apparently more likely to abuse drugs. I have found no statistical evidence to prove this.

Throughout my research on drug testing welfare recipients, I have been unable to find any information to prove those on welfare are more likely to abuse drugs. The problem with drug testing welfare recipients is it goes against human rights. There must be evidence that this population of people are more likely to abuse drugs and use their welfare money to obtain them. Statistics in Florida actually have proven otherwise. The statistics, after the law to drug test welfare recipients has gone into effect, has proven that those on welfare are actually less likely to abuse drugs.

The question remains: Is drug testing welfare recipients a violation of human rights?

Republicans argue that welfare recipients are using their welfare money to buy drugs. They feel that tax money should not be used to help those who abuse the system. The hope is that by drug testing welfare recipients tax payers will save money. Given the state most Americans are in who will argue with saving money from those who are abusing the system. Americans may even be in a position to make unethical decisions based on the fact so many are in hardships.

A quote from an article I read.

"Welfare applicants in Florida are less likely than Americans in general to use drugs, the Associated Press reports. The state compiled the figures as part of a new state law that requires drug tests for welfare applicants." According to the article Florida Welfare Applicants Less Likely Than General Population to Use Drugs.

Heather's View:
I have read through many articles and in each one the same statement keeps popping up. There is no evidence that those on welfare are more likely to abuse drugs. If this is the case, the action to pursue this notion is not only a huge waste of time but also money. Ironically, the reason republicans are pushing for this drug testing is to save money.

I feel that this is unethical to test a population of people simply because there are ignorant views about them. Since when is it ethical to target a population of people with no statistical evidence to back it up? There are many views that people on welfare abuse the system, that those on welfare are mostly Hispanic or black. This information is incorrect. It’s easy to blame a population of people for the reason this country is in debt. Unfortunately, welfare is not the reason.

Welfare is put into place because we are a nation that provides the opportunity to better ourselves. I believe in helping those less fortunate. People living on welfare don't live lavish lives. They are still struggling day to day to make ends meet. Our obligation, I feel, as a country is to make sure every child has an equal opportunity to be whatever they want to be. They have the right to have food and shelter. That is the role of welfare.